Metro Parks' disABILITIES Sports Leagues began a six-week Bocce League at the Centennial Sportsplex two weeks ago, on August 19. League Games are played from 10:15 am - 11:00 am or from 11:00 am - 11:45 am. Athletes should stay at least 6 feet apart at all times. Masks are not required, but encouraged if you cannot remain socially distant. Athletes should bring their own water bottles (water fountains are closed), and a chair if needed. We will remain outside for the duration of the event, but bathrooms will be available. Activities are weather dependent and will be cancelled if any of the following conditions are met: temperature below 55*; rain or forecasted rain chances over 50%; or wet or muddy field conditions. These leagues are free but you must have a valid sports physical and a sport waiver completed. Contact Glen Adkins for more information and whether is still room for any latecomers.