About us, our clients, our friends.
Our Place Nashville partners with non-profit organizations to provide brick-and-mortar housing called Friendship Houses throughout the city for adults with developmental disabilities.
What we do…
People with developmental disabilities (“friends”) deserve the opportunity to live full and rich lives in an inclusive environment where they are accepted, respected and belong. With the help of our housing partners, Our Place Nashville provides these friends with opportunities to live interdependently in a community that houses both able and disabled residents. Our resident friends live alongside graduate students and older adults (“companions”), also in need of affordable housing, who provide them with natural supports. We are the only private pay provider of affordable housing for adults with developmental disabilities in middle Tennessee.
Why we do what we do…
Our Place Nashville fills the critical need for affordable and supportive housing for individuals with developmental disabilities. Given the rising costs of housing and the challenge of securing direct services, parents and families are hard pressed to financially afford and oversee independent living in the community for their loved ones. Without Our Place, the individuals we serve would be limited to insular lives at home with minimal opportunities to engage with others or enjoy the rich panoply of options independent living offers. We provide the missing piece of the puzzle – creating supportive communities where our friends can thrive and exceed their – and their families’ -- expectations.
Resident Spotlight
Three of our residents were recently featured in videos from the Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities. We are so proud of our residents!
Watch our Virtual Open House recorded in the Fall of 2021.
This longer form video includes tours of each home, information about independent community living, and introduces you to some of our amazing residents.
Our Friendship Houses
We currently have five Friendship House Communities, where abled and disabled individuals create a supportive, integrated environment, one in which residents become more like family members than housemates over time. The word “house” is somewhat of a misnomer as our first two houses are individual, apartment-style living while Houses 3 - 5 are shared living and are more like a traditional “house”.
A community of friends, graduate students and older adults
Our Place Nashville partners with non-profit organizations to provide brick-and-mortar housing called Friendship Houses throughout the city for adults with developmental disabilities. For every two friends who reside at Friendship House, there are three neurotypical adults: graduate students, young professionals, and older adults.
Our Place Nashville helps our Friendship House resident friends find employment and volunteer opportunities that give them a sense of accomplishment, independence and community.
One of our residents works as a greeter for the Nashville Predators (along with Gnash!)
Our other employers include Fidelity Offset, Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Green Hills Family YMCA, HealthStream, KrispyKreme Doughnuts, Kroger, LifePoint Health, Lipscomb University, Nashville Convention & Visitors Corporation, Publix, and Vanderbilt University (Next Steps program, Dining Services, and Medical Center).
Places where our friends volunteer: Gigi’s Playhouse, Lane Motor Museum, Saddle Up!, TEAM-FPC (Therapeutic Equine Assistance Method @ First Presbyterian Church, Tennessee Wing Civil Air Patrol and Vanderbilt University’s Ambassadore (peer mentor) program.