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OPN Class: Conflict Resolution with Brad Clark

Whether it’s in your home, at work, or even just when you’re out and about at the grocery store, there will be times that you experience conflict with those around you. It’s okay to disagree and have opinions, but how do we resolve conflicts with people around us in a positive and constructive way? Brad Clark is a social worker who helps people figure out how to be their best selves. He has worked with different non-profits around Nashville, and has some pointers on how we can best resolve conflicts with our friends, housemates, and even family. Bring your questions and examples of conflicts you’ve experienced (or are experiencing) as we work together toward resolving conflicts.

Our Place Nashville’s life skills classes are held in person at the Easley Community Center, 1000 Edgehill Avenue, Nashville, TN. This class is also hosted online via Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person by using using this link. Please contact Jordan Collins for more information.