Kate Kelly is the founder and director of Empower Music Therapy, a wonderful organization right here in Nashville. Empower Music Therapy offers individual sessions, group sessions, and community events that use the medium of music to build social and emotional skills that traditional therapies can't always provide.
Kate will be joining our group for a night of songwriting, performing, creating, and playfulness! Whether you see yourself as a professional musician or just someone who sings in the shower - this class is for you!
OPN Monday Night Life Skills Classes are available to ALL OPN residents and those on our waiting list. If you are not yet on our waiting list but would like to drop in for a class, you are welcome! Please contact us to let us know.
Monday Night Classes take place at the OPN Community Room near the Nashville Zoo from 6:30-7:30pm. Please reach out for the exact address. Additionally, all classes are also available on Zoom for those who are unable to make it in person. Please contact Brad Clark with any questions.