How do you get a job interview? How do you ace the interview? What should you or shouldn’t you say? How do you prepare? There are so many questions that go through our minds when we’re trying to get a job. What people forget is that there are equally important questions we should be asking to KEEP our jobs.
Lynise Parisien is an Employment Specialist with JobWise, a company that helps people with disabilities find a path to meaningful employment. JobWise has been partnering with Vocational Rehabilitation Services for 14+ years assisting people with disabilities find competitive employment in the community. Their goal is to find the right fit for the job seeker’s interests and skills. JobWise is committed to working with their clients to find long-term employment success.
Join our Monday night life skills class for some tips to applying for jobs, meeting with employers, creating resumes, preparing for interviews, helping with orientation, onsite job coaching, coordinating with ECF CHOICES, and last but not least, information on the skills needed to keep a job and get the most out of it.
Our Place Nashville’s life skills classes are held in person at the Easley Community Center, 1000 Edgehill Avenue, Nashville, TN. This class is also hosted online via Zoom for those who are unable to make it in person using this link: Please contact Jordan Collins for more information.